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Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Lebohang Pita
The challenges of cross-generational or intergenerational sexual relationships (which usually involve teenage girls and male partners 10 years older) were put under the spotlight at the Pretoria Campus yesterday, 13 March.

John Ngobene, from the Gauteng Department of Education and a human rights activist, gave a motivational talk aimed at addressing the topic.

His talk followed a fierce debate between the Pretoria Campus’ Debating Society and the Directorate of Health and Wellness’ Peer Educators. The theme of the debate was ‘Romance is an important aspect of any dating relationship, but a sugar daddy (an older male partner) will pay more attention to romantic suggestions.’

John argued that most African adolescent girls are vulnerable to engage in risky sexual behaviour because sexual activity can be exchanged for money or gifts. He also said that some older men would engage in sexual activities with adolescents due to the misconception that they are free from HIV/AIDS.

“Young women or girls may be vulnerable to exploitation in such relationships given a lack of choices for those living in poverty or the need to pay school fees or purchase books,” John said.
He added that sexual activity is negotiated between two consenting adults. However, he asked whether cross-generational relationships are based purely on consent or force.

“Gender, age and economic disparities may increase risky sexual behaviour and reduce a young woman’s ability to negotiate safer sex. It has also been reported that girls are unable to negotiate condom use in cross-generational sexual relations.”
He said that being in a sexual relationship with an affluent and much older person increases one’s chances of contracting Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) like HIV/AIDS.

“The majority of teenagers infected with HIV and other STI’s are infected by adult males. According to recent reports, teenagers with older partners use condoms 20% less than teenagers with peer-age partners.”
John said some girls would enter into such relationships to help support their families. “Poorer families in some communities often consent to the intergenerational sexual relationships as a means of temporary income support.”

He said society should stop perpetuating beliefs that having sex with a virgin girl would cleanse you and that men need frequent sexual satisfaction and multiple partners.
“Engaging in sexual relations with older men is a norm for adolescent girls in Sub-Saharan Africa and we as academics need to come up with initiatives to stop this barbaric practice.”

He urged students to stop entering into such relationships because they are exploitative, oppressive and abusive due to older partners’ use of their societal status and financial power.

 “No matter how materialistic you may be, never compromise yourself to get them. Rather work hard,” John concluded.

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