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Thursday 25 August 2011


Picture of a dead baby found by the Daily Dispatch at a government mortuary in the Eastern Cape

The photo was published as one of the findings by The Daily Dispatch in an invesyigation they conducted in all government mortuaries in the Eastern Cape. During the investigation corpses were found piled high on floors, a dead baby was found rotting in a waste bucket, certain body parts were left out in the open with the employees working under those conditions.

The Daily Dispatch ran the story with the photo of the dead baby on the front page, causing controversy.

The story is newsworthy and I take my hat off for the newspaper for running it with the photo. The photo clearly illustrates the aforementioned findings by the newspaper. An article of  this nature should be accompanied by relevant photographs which will paint the whole picture. What is the use of running an article with shocking details but with no  photographs to grab the reader's attention? Candidly speaking,there are no words that could have illustrated the seriousness of the situation and the conditions in which government mortuaries are in the Eastern Cape better than that photo itself.
Daily Dispatch publishes front page photo of dead baby dumped in bin. (. twitpic .com/67e2zj – view page – cached page...

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